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Get rid of impostor syndrome in 60 seconds

Impostor syndrome, also known as impostor phenomenon or impostorism, is a psychological experience of intellectual and professional infraudulence. It is “the subjective experience of perceived self-doubt in one’s abilities and accomplishments compared with others, despite evidence to suggest the contrary.”1

  • Wikipedia

If you read this post, then most probably you have already read a lot of texts about “impostor syndrome” and you know what it is and how destructive it might be for your career, life, family, relationships, etc.

I suffered it for many years, it almost ruined my life and career. I read, maybe, hundreds of articles, consulted with psychologists, and used different anti-depressants. Nothing helped! Until I accidentally found imaginary and associative thinking and got healed in one minute. Really!

Enough of words! Let me demonstrate how it works.


You are like a pen.

A pen

You can draw and write with it in a very good way (or not so good like me):

Drawing kitty

The pen consists of two parts: a pen handle and a pen refill.

Pen-refill and case

You still can draw and write without the pen handle. Using only a pen refill. This might be a bit inconvenient, maybe not so good,
but still can do it!

Drawing kitty with pen-refill

The pen handle alone is completely useless, you cannot draw even a line without a pen refill.

Pen case

Your core skills, life force, motivation, and health are like a pen refill. If it is full and ready to act, then you can find a suitable pen handle and start to draw and write again. If your pen refill is empty, then even together with a pen handle these both are useless.

Pen case

Keep your core skills up to date, take care of yourself, focus on what is important; not upon what’s urgent. If you are fine and in good shape, you can use your “pen refill” with any pen handle (framework, technology, programming language, job position, etc.)

Easy enough? I spent years to understand this.



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