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Logic in Lua: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NXOR

Logical operators in Lua are: and, or, and not. In addition to this here are covered xor and nxor. Logical operators always produce so-called boolean value: true or false.

In boolean algebra, such an operation is called:

In Lua language, false values are: nil and false everything else is interpreted as true.


Don’t be confused with JavaScript, where 0 is false. In Lua 0 is also true.

Logical operators can be used in if-statements and loops, and the result can be assigned to a variable.


if condition1 then
  -- Statements are executed when condition(1) is true.
elseif condition2 then
  -- Statements are executed when condition(2) is true.
elseif condition3 then
  -- Statements are executed when condition(3) is true.
  -- Statements are executed in any other case.


while condition do
  -- Statements are executed while a condition is true.

  -- Statements are executed until a condition is true.
until condition

Assignment to variable

local isBlack = true
local isRed = color == "red"
local isNotBlackButRed = color ~= "black" and color == "red"
-- etc.

Conditional ternary operator

There is no ternary operator in Lua. But… both and and or use short-circuit evaluation; that means that second part of logical expression is evaluated only when necessary. Some examples from the Lua manual:

10 or 20            --> 10
10 or error()       --> 10
nil or "a"          --> "a"
nil and 10          --> nil
false and error()   --> false
false and nil       --> false
false or nil        --> nil
10 and 20           --> 20

The short-circuit evaluation can be used to emulate a conditional ternary operator.


true and "ok" or "nok"   --> "ok"
1 == 2 and "ok" or "nok" --> "nok"
"red" == "green" and "Red is green" or "Red is not green" --> "Red is not green"

There is a caveat. If you are using a function that returns two values and the first returned value is falsy (false or nil), consider:

local function fn()
    -- ...
    return false, 100

In this case, only the first returned argument is evaluated. This confusion might lead to very hard-detecting errors and bugs.

if fn() then
    print("True, not printed")
    print("False, printed")

-- Output: "False, printed"

-- Same applies to ternary operator

print(fn() and "True, not printed" or "False, printed")

For myself, I make it a habit to not use functions that return multiple values. But of course there are exceptions. Depends on the task and personal preferences.

Logical connectives in Lua


A and B


A or B


not A


Same as logical inequality.

not A ~= not B


Same as logical equality.

not A == not B

Truth table

ABA and BA or Bnot Anot A ~= not Bnot A == not B

Logical tricks

Convert anything to boolean type; double negation can be used.

not not 1              --> true
not not "anything"     --> true
not not false          --> false
not not nil            --> false
not not {a= 1}         --> true
not not function() end --> true
-- and so on...

Not only booleans can be negated.

not nil         --> true
not false       --> true
not 111         --> false
not "something" --> false
not {a=1}       --> false
-- and so on...



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