Priority queue
Priority queue is an abstract data type similar to queue and stack. The difference is that each element has a priority value. Values with higher priority are pulled first. There might be different implementations of handling priority.
Priority queue class¶
Here is a demonstration of the most simple using unsorted list class where the insertion time is O(1) and the pulling time is O(n).
There are different possible implementations:
Implementation | Insert | Pull | Peek |
Binary Heap | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) |
Fibonacci Heap | O(1)1 | O(log n)1 | O(1) |
Binary Search Tree (BST)2 | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) |
Unsorted List3 | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) |
Sorted List | O(n) | O(1) | O(1) |
- 1 - amortized;
- 2 - worst case is O(n)
- 3 - below is the implementation of the unsorted list class.
Class implementation with OOP principles and annotations.
---@class Node
---@field value any
---@field priority number
local Node = {}
Node.__index = Node
---@return Node
---@param value any
---@param priority number
function Node:new(value, priority)
return setmetatable({
priority = priority,
value = value,
}, self)
---@class PriorityQueue
local PriorityQueue = {}
PriorityQueue.__index = PriorityQueue
---@return PriorityQueue
function PriorityQueue:new()
return setmetatable({}, self)
---@return number
function PriorityQueue:size()
return #self
---@param value any
---@param priority? number
function PriorityQueue:insert(value, priority)
priority = priority or 1
self[#self + 1] = Node:new(value, priority)
---Pulls the value with the highest priority. If priority queue is empty
---then nil and zero are returned.
---@return any, number
function PriorityQueue:pull()
if self:size() == 0 then
return nil, 0
local node, idx = self:peek()
table.remove(self, idx)
return node.value, idx
---Retuns the last element with highest priority and its index.
---@return any, number
function PriorityQueue:peek()
if self:size() == 0 then
return nil, 0
local highestIndex = 1
local highest = self[1]
for i, node in ipairs(self) do
if highest.priority < node.priority then
highest = node
highestIndex = i
return highest.value, highestIndex
---@return string
function PriorityQueue:toString(sep)
sep = sep or ","
local t = {}
for i in ipairs(self) do
t[#t + 1] = "{" .. tostring(self[i].value) .. ", " .. self[i].priority .. "}"
return table.concat(t, sep)
return PriorityQueue
Usage of PriorityQueue class¶
local pq = PriorityQueue:new()
pq:insert("A", 1)
pq:insert("B", 2)
pq:insert("C", 4)
pq:insert("D", 3)
print(pq:pull()) --> "C"
print(pq:pull()) --> "D"
print(pq:peek()) --> "B" 2
print(pq:toString()) --> "{A, 1},{B, 2}"
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